Friday 3 February 2012

a thing to look at whenever you are bummed about the world

One of my favoritest things in the world is Advanced Style, a street style blog by Ari Seth Cohen of elderly ladies with killer style. Last fashion week, we hosted a party in honor of these women together at the Ace Hotel, and it was really, really inspiring. It was really special to get to hear women with the most interesting style philosophies discuss it together, and guests seemed relieved to be at a non-gross party where people really were just interested in clothing and style and character and celebrating an unabashed enthusiasm for it; the kind of thing that, ironically, often gets lost during a time of year that's supposed to be about fashion. Ari's friend Lina Plioplyte made this video of the night, which makes me smile every time I watch it.
And, while you're renewing your faith in humanity, I really highly suggest watching this trailer for the Advanced Style documentary (!!!!!)
And here's Illona's Stylelikeu video, talking about her eyelashes and being generally amazing.
Wrinkles and scars and imperfections are signs of life, not of being young and naive and sexy and nonthreatening, so if an aging woman doesn't take measures to erase indications that she's built character through experience, if she can no longer be viewed as a sex object or as recently discovered and relevant, she may as well just disappear. It's subversive to age as these women do, making themselves present, because they want to be. I know now that I'd rather keep all my life scars and be erased for doing so than have to erase them myself. Seriously, these videos are go-to save points for when you feel like the world sucks.

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